What is Tomato Fever, how to recognize flu symptoms, know complete information


Newz Fast,  New Delhi:  People are getting confused about tomato flu or tomato fever, for information, let us tell you that both are the same. Fever has now started spreading in India too. It is believed that its effect has been seen more on children. It is causing red rashes on the skin, skin irritation and dehydration. Let us know what is tomato flu or tomato fever?

Many countries have come under the grip of this flu, including India, on May 6, 2022, the first case of tomato flu was reported in Kerala and so far 82 cases have been registered. The world is already fighting the epidemic and now a new disease is emerging, which is spreading rapidly.

Hand foot mouth disease (HFMD), also known as tomato fever, has become a matter of concern for health experts as it is affecting children.

According to a study in the Lancet Respiratory Journal, this fever is affecting children between the age of one to five years and adults who have weak immunity.

The Lancet study states that "as we are dealing with the potential threat of a fourth wave of COVID-19, a new virus, known as the tomato flu, has been present in the state of Kerala in India for over 5 years. Appeared in young children.

So far 82 cases have been reported." In such a situation, it is very important to know what is tomato flu or tomato fever? How does it spread? What are the symptoms and how can it be avoided. ?

What is Tomato Flu?
According to India Today, the Lancet study states that the symptoms of tomato flu are similar to those of the Kovid-19 virus. But this virus is not related to SARS-CoV-2, it is completely different.

Tomato flu can occur in children after chikungunya or dengue fever. The name of this flu is tomato flu because it causes red and painful blisters all over the body. The size of these blisters can also be equal to that of a tomato. Its special thing is that it spreads by touching.

Most at risk
"Children are at increased risk of exposure to tomato flu because viral infections tend to overtake children at this age," the Lancet report said.

Doctors have warned that children under the age of five are most affected by this condition. Especially tomato flu, despite being more contagious, does not pose a risk to life, but makes the body completely weak by making it sick.

What is the symptom
In terms of symptoms, the primary symptoms seen in children with tomato flu are similar to those of chikungunya or dengue fever. Symptoms include high fever, rashes, swollen joints, nausea, diarrhea, dehydration, severe joint pain. The size of the blisters on the skin of some patients had increased significantly.

How virus spread
Scientists are still doing research to find out the specific cause of tomato flu, but it is currently believed to be a form of viral infection, no major information has been revealed about it so far, some have also suggested that It could be a side effect of dengue or chikungunya.
According to scientists, it has been given the form of virus itself. Research is going on on flu right now, it is believed that soon complete information about the virus will be available.

What is flu treatment
Doctors say that the biggest way to avoid this flu is cleanliness, there should not be any kind of dirt around you. This virus is showing more effect on children below the age of five years.

If you notice any kind of movement in the baby, then contact your personal doctor immediately. Do not allow an infected child to come into contact with another child and should not break and scratch the blisters. Drink more water. If someone shows any symptoms then it is not necessary that he has tomato fever.

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