Cactus Cultivation: After 5-6 months from this plant, you will earn thousands, check quickly


Newz Fast, New Delhi: You can earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating cactus. It can also become an additional source of income for you. Because many products can be prepared from its plant.

Crops that farmers often throw away as useless are actually very profitable. Among them, there is also a cactus, which farmers consider useless and throw it away.

You can earn lakhs of rupees by cultivating cactus. It can also become an additional source of income for you. Because many products can be prepared from its plant.

Because many types of products are prepared in the market from its plant and also cactus is used in animal fodder, leather making, medicine and fuel.

Apuntia Ficus-India plant
If we talk about the commercial cultivation of cactus then Apuntia Ficus-India is the most popular. Because thorns are not found in this plant and also farmers do not need much water to grow it.

You can easily grow this plant without irrigation. Therefore, the cost of cactus cultivation is low and the profit is high.

Benefits of cactus
Cactus is fed to animals in hot season, because eating it does not cause heat and dehydration in animals.

Beauty products such as oil, shampoo, soap and lotion are made from cactus, which are sold at very high prices in the domestic and foreign markets.
Cactus is also considered to be the best source of water, but despite this it is mostly found in desert areas where water is scarce.

It has also been found here that leather is also made from cactus.

Cactus cultivation
A cactus plant is fully developed in 5 to 6 months. It is cultivated from June-July to the month of November. If you start cultivating it in your field, then the soil of your field should be saline.

After the plant is ready, the farmer should harvest it when the plant is 1 meter high and the plant is 5 to 6 months old. In such a situation you can harvest the cactus.

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